Tuesday, August 27, 2013

DIY Rice Bag for Eyes

Do you have dry eyes problem too? Yeah, most of us do. That is because of the computers and the air conditioners. Did you know that you could apply hot, warm or cold compress on your eyes (I mean eyelids of course) when your eyes are dry, tired, burning or having redness. Since this topic is health related, I would suggest you to consult to your doctor before applying compress on your eyes.

Today, I am going to share a DIY project to help your eyes get relaxed. We will  make a rice bag in the shape of eye mask for hot or cold compress. Rice keeps the heat for a long time and it is highly practical to heat or freeze. It is also more trustworthy for me than the hot water bags. I have never used those by the way. Before the beginning of winter this year, I will also make two more DIY rice bags to heat my feet and my waist (periodic matters).

DIY Rise Bag for Eyes

The owner of this DIY idea is Sarah Lipoff. Her project is far more better than mine actually. Because she added some essential oil and herbs into the bag which is more relaxing of course. I would go and check her project too. I wanted to make this project with what I already have at home but I will surely make one another with lavender essences. You may already know that the scent of lavender is healing for the headaches. 

Let me start with the materials needed first: rices, scrap fabrics, needle, thread, scissors, ribbon or elastic headband as in the original project and eyeglasses. I tried to use my sunglasses to make the mask bigger. 

DIY Rise Bag for Eyes

I folded the fabric into two, leaving the patterns inside. But I could not use my sunglasses as it was too much curved that it did not allow me to trace its shape.

DIY Rise Bag for Eyes

Yet, I have too many glasses to try. I have used my regular eyeglasses but I left more seam allowances than usual. 

DIY Rise Bag for Eyes

I cut the fabric leaving even more seaming allowances and I hand stitched the edges as below. I have left two holes on both sides for the ribbons and for filling the rices.  

DIY Rise Bag for Eyes

Then I have turned its inside out to leave the patterned side out. I have stitched the ribbons inside the holes. I still need a small hole to fill the rices in which is visible in the picture below.

DIY Rise Bag for Eyes

I have filled the mask with rices for about a cup. It could contain more actually but I need the mask to be flexible to cover my eyes so I have left it like that. I have stitched that small hole too and it is done! I am not sure if you can see how bad my hand stitches are but if you do, please ignore them. I am still learning. 

DIY Rise Bag for Eyes

You can use this mask for either hot or cold compresses. For hot compress, heat the mask in the microwave for about a minute, use a clean and wet washcloth to put between your eyes and the mask as described in here. And for cold compress you can keep the mask in your freezer. If you will keep it in the freezer, make sure you put the mask in a clean plastic bag. 

In some resources, it is advised to apply the cold compress first and hot compress after that. 

I really love DIY projects. I will use this mask for cold compress. I will make another one with lavender essences and herbs for hot compress and I will use both of them in order. Anyone curios about the resulting feeling, please leave comments.


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