Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Colors in Home Decoration: Mother Nature Rule

We have been focusing on the color rules in home decoration under two different topics.

Now we will end the serie with this last rule: Mother Nature Rule. I actually made up the name but the rule itself is known by most of the interior designers.

The Mother Nature is the most talented colorist. People have therefore been her firm followers on coloring their life. That is why we see no problem in wearing green tops and brown pants. There is no doubt that home decoration rules have also been affected by the nature.

1. Vertical Gradient Rule

What you need to be careful about using colors in home decoration is to create a balance within a room. It would not be a good choice decorating some parts of the room too dark and the other parts too light unless you intend to divide the room into sections or to create a focus point in the room. Instead, you should be following the nature's lead and use dark colors in the floor (ground), the medium colors on the walls or the furniture (trees, mountains and flowers), and the light colors on the ceiling (sky). This is the reason for the ceiling being white or beige mostly.

colors in home decoration

colors in home decoration

colors in home decoration

2. Get Inspired by the Nature

You can get inspired by any creation or combination of the nature. For instance, seaside next to a forest makes you fell more free and peaceful. You can use these two colors in home decoration to get the same feeling. Similarly, sea colors and the sand colors are a great combination to give the same effect.

colors in home decoration

colors in home decoration

I am not an expert but I assume that dominance of white in Scandinavian decoration style arises from a similar tendency. White being the most seen color by Scandinavian people, is also being their dolor choice in home decoration. I am pretty sure that if you ask them the reason of the dominance of white color in home decoration, they would say it makes them feel home. Similarly, dominance of brown in regions with arid climate and of the hottest colors in tropical regions could be explained by the same reason. So, if you like to feel home when you are home, use nature's color palette in your homeland.

colors in home decoration

colors in home decoration

colors in home decoration
Kaynaklar: Houzz ve HGTV

Speaking of the nature's color palette, I would like to share one for each season from my favorite color resource.

colors in home decoration

colors in home decoration

colors in home decoration

colors in home decoration

After seeing these pictures, there is no doubt that Mother Nature is the best colorist of all. Therefore, naturally we are going to inspire from the nature itself.

I hope you find this series of articles on color rules in home decoration useful. I would like to repeat that these are all my humble findings based on my own ideas and the things I have read so far.

Hope we can all live in our dream home one day.


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