Thursday, August 15, 2013

DIY Earrings Organizer


I know, yes I could not keep my promise as I was going to write a post everyday. But I have a strong excuse. It was my birthday yesterday and I am now in the 34th year of my life. I still cannot believe how fast the life moves on. I had my beloved extended family visited and brought cakes. I made my wish and now I will stand by.

Today, I will share a DIY  project with you. Believe it or not, it is getting more difficult to decide which gorgeous ideas to share with you as I am loving all of them. I mean, if I ever intend to try all of them, my husband would have to work in 5 different jobs, lol. I should remind myself more often that DIY projects are supposed to be budget friendly.

Finally, I have decided to share this awesome DIY earrings organizer made from an embroidery hoop. It is easy and yet too useful an too cute for especially girls' rooms. The owner of the idea and the pictures is Berrysprite

The most joyful part of the DIY projects for me is that the only limit is your imagination, which means there are unlimited options to apply on each DIY project. 

DIY, earrings organizer

For this DIY project, you will need an embroidery hoop, scrap fabrics and colorful needles. You may personalize your organizer by embrodiering your name or initials on the fabric, or by embroidering a tiny bird, butterfly or flower. As I said, your imagination sets the limits. So, push it as far as it goes.

DIY, earrings organizer

Yet a heart applique is a very beautiful choice.

DIY, earrings organizer

The back side of the fabric is stitched across to make it stay put on the wall. This stitching style also makes it easier to replace the fabric as often as you like. 

DIY, earrings organizer

Then you can attach the needles and hang you earrings on them freely. It is both a great cost free
DIY wall decor and makes it a lot easier to see your earrings especially when you are in rush. 

If I had a teenage daughter, I would show her all my fabrics to choose according to her taste and let her do this DIY project by herself. Who knows, maybe she becomes a hard DIYer as well.

I have found this DIY idea on Pinterest. Honestly, I do not know what I was doing before Pinterest. I have about 4-5 different DIY boards and in total there are about 1000 DIY pins in total. You now may understand why I spend so much time to decide which ones to share.

I would have liked to try this project myself and share this post with my own pictures but neither I have a big hoop, nor I have this much earrings to organize. But I like the idea and its effect to the room very much.  This DIY project is more suitable for my mum actually but she would need about 10 hoops or so, lol. I should find a better idea for her.

embroidery hoops are widely used on DIY projects and I actually have may more ideas to share. That is why, I will buy some hoops next tie I go shopping. I advice you to do the same. See you and take care until next time.


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