Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Choosing Colors in Home Decoration


I do not know about you but I frequently get bored from the decoration of my home, especially of the living room. I guess it is a habit coming from my mother. She used to change the places of the furniture and colors of the decorative items really frequently. That is exactly what I do now with my home. I am doing experiments with the colors a lot. However, colors  are not very easy to work with in home decoration. Today, I will write about choosing colors in home decoration.

We all know more or less about which color best suits to which one but widely known facts may lead you to ordinary results. In Turkey, we usually use the tones of brown in our furnitures. Brown is practical as it does not get dirty as easy as white but it is extremely boring. In order to make your home special and completely reflecting your style, you need to go much further with the colors. By this way, you will be more brave in using colors in home decoration and will make extraordinary living places which are unique and reflecting just your style.

colors in home decoration

Choosing colors in home decoration could cause a real disaster in our home if you do not know enough about the colors. Colors not suitable for yourself may make you unhappy in your own home. You may even get depressed without knowing the real cause of it. This is the exact reason why we should focus more on colors in home decoration. Here are some tips to start with:

Use color wheels

Before you choose the colors in home decoration, you will need to know a little bit about the color wheel. It will be your main assistant with the colors. A color wheel is a wheel that consists of main, secondary and thertiary colors. The main colors are yellow, red and blue. Secondary colors arise form the mixture of the main colors: orange, purple (violet) and green. Thertiary colors are the mixture of the secondary colors with main colors next to them, for example, red-oranges, mauves, pinks, yellow-greens, blue-violets.

Here is a good example of color wheel showing also the tints (tones) of each color.

colors in home decoration

We will use the color wheel in a few different ways but before that we need to make some basic decisions:

1. Do you like warm colors or cool colors

All colors between yellow and red-violet are warm colors (reds, yellows and oranges). In some resources, yellow-greens are also included in the warm colors. The rest are called as the cool colors. Before you choose colors in home decoration, you need to decide which colors do you like the most. If you cannot decide, consult to your wardrope. The colors you think look best on you are mostly the best colors for your home decoration as well. Because they will make you feel more comfortable and happy.

Here is an example of a living room decorated using mainly cool colors. The tones of blue and green makes you feel peaceful and are relaxing. If you are under a lot of stress at work, you may think about using blues and greens in your living room, in the bathroom or in the bedroom.

colors in home decoration

Here is another example of a living room which is decorated widely with the warm colors. If you are an energetic, active and/or romantic person, you may feel much better in warm colors. If this is the case, you should consider adding more warm colors in your home decoration.

colors in home decoration

2. Do you like unified, harmonious colors or striking, contrast colors?

After you decide the colors in home decoration, you need to decide how you would like to combine the colors with each other. Again, you can think about your clothing style. Do you like to combine unified colors in harmony with each other or are you more brave in using more striking and contrast colors together?

a. For harmony lovers

If you like unification and harmony in color combinations, you need to use analogous colors. In other words, the colors next to each other in the color wheel. Let me give you one of the most extraordinary examples: blue and violet. They sound very difficult to blend, right? But since they are next to each othet in the color wheel, they should be ok to use together. Here is a good example for you:

colors in home decoration
Good Housekeeping

The picture above shows clearly how to use analogous colors in home decoration in harmony. As you can see, the real success is in finding the correct tone of each color.

You can also use green and blue at the same time to create peaceful and relaxing rooms like this one below:

colors in home decoration

Similarly, for those who like warm colors, this below bedroom in orange and reds is a perfect example for using analogous colors in home decoration.

colors in home decoration

Here is another example for warm colors, used in the living room.

colors in home decoration

b. For contrast lovers

If you are brave in using colors in home decoration and like to use striking and contrast colors at the same time, you will need to learn how to use the color wheel. In the wheel, each color has a complementary color which lies at the opposite side of each other. If you will use striking and contrast colors, at least you need to know which colors are complementing each other.

According to the color wheel, purple-yellow, red-green and orange-blue are some of the compatible colors. This means if you use these colors together in a room, you will both have a striking contrast and a coherent look in that particular room.

Indeed, these complementary colors sound too difficult to use together but you will see in below pictures how well the color wheel works.

colors in home decoration

colors in home decoration

colors in home decoration

colors in home decoration

colors in home decoration

colors in home decoration

colors in home decoration

Examples enlighten us. As you see, if you find the correct tones of the colors, you can combine many colors in many ways. Choosing colors in home decoration is actually not a big deal, all you need to know is using the color wheel.

I will continue writing about the tips on colors in home decoration in my next posts. So, please stay in touch :) 


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